Stones for Cancer Energy

The crab represents the zodiac sign of Cancer, and its season lasts from late June to late July. Cancers are known for being very sensitive and empathetic to other people’s problems. They are often homebodies who seek to be comfortable, have very few but substantial boundaries, and are quick to forgive- but never forget. Cancers are commonly associated with the element of water, and their governing planet is the moon. Here are the best stones to help the comfort-seeking Cancer.


Moonstone is commonly associated with cancer because it is a birthstone and its close associations with water and the moon. It’s a variety of feldspar that ancient Greeks and Romans believed came from the moon and was used as a protective talisman when traveling at night. Moonstone is also a powerful stone for improving intuition and connecting with your subconscious.


Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony known for its orange and brown hues. It is also known for bringing out the creative side of Cancers and helping them with their art. Its energy helps ground Cancers and brings out their self-esteem to give their art all they have. It also helps with family issues, brings safety and security, and is excellent for combating mood swings.

Read more here.

Celebrating The Summer Solstice: History and Facts

June 21, 2021 marks the start of the summer solstice, the longest day of the year (at least in the northern hemisphere) when Earth tilts closest to the sun. For fans of astrology, this also marks the beginning of Cancer season. Consider it a time to balance the feminine (represented by the Cancer zodiac) and masculine (represented by the sun) energies in your life. It’s also a time to celebrate the sun with a bonfire, the Earth with a flower crown, or water with a drink or nice bath- or both!

It’s also a time for celebration dating back to our ancient ancestors. Stonehenge is believed to be created as a site to observe the summer solstice from, and was used as a sort of calendar for ancient people to determine when to plant and harvest crops. In China, it marks a time to celebrate the “yin” forces and feminine energy, while the winter solstice was used to celebrate the “yang” forces and masculine energy. In the ancient kingdom of Gaul, which encompassed modern day France, it was a time to celebrate with the Feast of Epona, an ancient mare goddess of fertility. In Egypt it coincided with the flooding of the Nile and marked the beginning of the Egyptian New Year.

When Christianity took over Europe, these Midsummer celebrations were incorporated with Christian holidays. In Scandinavia, the summer solstice is observed on St. John’s Day on June 24th, a holiday celebrating St. John the Baptist. The celebrations continue into modern day with Midsummer being a time to feast and drink around a bonfire or dance around a maypole, and reconnect with nature. Even modern day pagans and druid flock to Stonehenge to celebrate the season!

In the United States, it’s a time for music festivals, family gatherings, and environmental awareness focused on the sun.

Learn more here.

Stones for Taurus Energy

When springtime comes around, the sun moves its way into Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac. Represented by the bull, Taurus can be very calm at times but is known for being aggressive under certain circumstances. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is better known as the planet of love. It’s normal to come across a Taurus during their season and notice them feeling more passionate about their work and rewards. To help Taurus stay on top of things happening in their life here are the best stones to bring good energy.


Known for its variety of greens, Jade is perfect for Taurus looking for strength and harmony. This stone can help those who are taking a risk and want protection. By carrying jade around, you can limit the negative energies around you, especially spending too much at the shopping mall. Ultimately, jade is perfect for helping calm nerves and promoting good health all around. No matter your sign, this stone is one to have around during Taurus season. 


Bring more energy to your life with carnelian’s endurance and motivation. This stone can help your organs stay in excellent health and even heal. For Taurus, carnelians can help move negative energy in the workplace out of the way to lead you to success. If you’re ever feeling negative energy, try meditating with this stone to give yourself a confidence boost. Wearing carnelian jewelry can help you get things done and face the biggest challenges of them all. 

Learn more here.

Stones for Gemini Energy

Gemini’s are well-known for being the most interesting zodiac sign of them all. They are versatile, great communicators, playful, and a strength to be reckoned with. Gemini’s are represented by the Twins, so people believe they have split personalities and mood swings. Since they are an air sign, it makes sense that they are unpredictable and change like the seasons. With the help of stones and crystals, Gemini’s can enhance their talents and work on their struggles. Let’s take a look at a few stones that can help Gemini energy throughout the year and, most notably, during the Gemini season. 


This blue-colored stone can help put the mind of a Gemini at ease while they are holding back fears. Aquamarine works with the heart and throat chakras to bring more love and communication to individuals. This stone is perfect for everyday jewelry and can help those who wear it navigate through an adventurous life.


Just like Gemini’s, Ametrine has a dual nature. This stone is blended with amethyst and citrine, which bring feminine and masculine energy to help balance out Geminis. This stone is connected to a few of the body’s chakras. The solar plexus boosts personal power, the crown chakra improves connections with higher consciousness, and the third eye helps activates wisdom and imagination. Ametrine is the best stone to help Gemini’s make changes in their lives while gaining wisdom.


For any Geminis looking for a good luck charm, citrine is a radiant stone that can bring positivity to your life. Citrine brings motivation and passionate energy to help you through the good and bad times. Wearing this stone as jewelry can help Geminis attract the right people into their lives and lead them into good situations.

Learn more here.

Finding Your Root Chakra

finding your root chakra

We all crave to feel more comfortable in our skin. We read self-help books and exercise and search for answers at every turn to find that feeling of wholeness. While the items listed above mark great places to start, the answers are really inside of us at all times.

Where To Turn

Many have explored this deep, inward reflection and have turned to practices found within Buddhist and Hindu religions which require you to recognize your chakras. There are 7 types of chakras inside all of us. Where you need to start, however, is with your root chakra; also known as Muladhara.

For more information on finding your root chakra, please visit