The Science of Positive Thinking

Researchers have found more evidence of positive thinking as a way to keep aging from taking a toll on your brain.

How many people have told you that positive thinking is powerful. It is so much apart of life right now that the phrase has almost become meaningless. As a whole, most people would agree that positivity is a good thing. However what happens when the good goes bad? When your job is tough and you’re having a tough time making ends meet, is it that easy to be positive?

People who remain optimistic during the tough times can sometimes be irritating, however they obviously know something others don’t. Positive thinking really does hold the power to not only change your brain but also change you physically.

It is called neuroplasticity. It means we can change the function of our brains. It is not wide acceptance as scientists are constantly proving the brain is endlessly adaptable and dynamic. It has the power to restructure itself. Individuals who have gone through strokes have the capability to train other areas of their brains through repetitive mental and physical activities.

Positive thought can rewire your brain and strengthen brain areas that will stimulate positive feelings. The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, Norman Doidge M.D. states plainly that the brain has the capacity to rewire itself and/or form new neural pathways — if we do the work. Just like exercise, the work requires repetition and activity to reinforce new learning.

There are numerous case histories of patients whose astonishing progress had previously been dismissed as hopeless. Through the applications of the sciences, we have the ability to live a happier and more positive life. Our positive thoughts can raise our IQ’s, rejuvenate aging brains and learn new skills with ease.

Check out the full story here.

Deciding to be Happy

Much of happiness is the decision to be happy. Control what you can and try not to sweat the stuff you can’t.

We spend numerous hours of our life dwelling on negative and fearful things that could happen or possibly happen in our lives. We worry about what could possibly go wrong instead of paying attention to the rational and actual situations that may occur in our lives. We must train ourselves to focus on the positive in our life and we will move in the right direction.

If you analyze your past experiences you will only dwell on what has happened and not realize what could possibly happen. If you want to move on from a problem, don’t think about it it is as simple as that. Focus on the rational and positive.

For example, if you are in a bad place in your thoughts and the phone rings and it is an old friend, they have the power to completely change your mood. If your thoughts begin to change you will feel better. If you act rationally and focus on reality, your beliefs and emotions will follow.

There is so much in life we can not control. However this is our life and we can decide ourselves to be happy. The focus should be on learning how to be happy on your own. Tap into your inner peace and contentment in the way that is best for you. Happiness is a result of the decision to be happy.

Your past thoughts are about events that have no longer happened. The bad experience happened yesterday and today it is gone. It exists in your mind. Today is a new day and it is time to move on.

The only factor making you unhappy is your own way of thinking. Relax and release the thoughts. When you notice self-limiting and self-defeating thoughts playing over and over in your mind stop them. You are bigger than these thoughts.

For the full story, check out AnxietyNetwork.  Thanks for reading!

Optimism as the Key to Happiness

Being optimistic requires conscious effort, but it pays off.

Being negative can sometimes feel easier than being optimistic. To criticize and complain can feel easier instead of expressing our appreciation and gratitude for the people and events that happen in our lives.

However, being optimistic is easier than you think. For starters, you should always focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. Constantly over analyzing situations instead of focusing on the end result can lead to unhappiness and discontent.

Know that with every bit of bad comes a bit of good as well. There is always a lesson in everything that happens to us and we should always try to figure out what that lesson is. Confucius once said “If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.”

Our minds have a tendency to make problems seem bigger than they truly are. If you believe every negative thought that goes through your head you will always find yourself in trouble. Allow yourself to analyze your thoughts but don’t let yourself get carried away.

Make sure to always express gratitude for everything that happens to you. The more appreciation you show the more reasons you will have to express your happiness. When you are too busy focusing on things you want, you could be consuming yourself with appreciating what you have.

It may sound cliche however everything happens for a reason. Every person enters your life for a reason and it is up to you to make the most of that experience. Do not label each experience as good or bad but rather as learning experiences.

Alleviate your desire to do anything perfect. You will come in contact with stress and frustration when you strive for perfection in everything you do. Trying your best in everything you do is all you can truly expect and ask of yourself.

Check out the full article as

Top 5 Motivational Quotations

It’s easy to know what we should be doing to get our lives on track, but sometimes actually taking action can be a challenge.  Looking to get organized?  Maybe you really want to get in shape.  Is there a project at work that you’ve been putting off?  We all thrive off of a sense of […]

from Psychic Readings by Ronn

Best Places to Meditate

CNN Recently posted a list of the best places on earth to meditate.

If you’ve ever successfully meditated, you know that achieving a higher level of consciousness must come from within.  That said, outside factors can definitely make the serenity required to really get in touch with your own spiritual side difficult.  For those of us who live in the hustle and bustle of a modern city, mental and physical retreats are a necessity for true reflection.

Some of the most beautiful and calm locations for meditation are far flung places across the globe.  These might not be reasonable weekend getaways but it never hurts to aspire.  Here are just a few of the most incredible locations for meditating across the globe.

Nilambe Meditation Center

Sri Lanka boasts some of the most scenic and serene areas for meditation on the planet.  Free Meditation Info offers up the Nilambe Meditation Center as a highlight of the country’s rich Buddhist community.  Both Westerners and locals alike frequent the center, some for a night, others for years depending on what they are trying to achieve.

The Stream Garden

Thailand’s Stream Garden is one of the most renowned meditation locations in Southeastern Asia.  Located in Thailand’s southern half, the retreat is nestled amongst a tropical rainforest.  Feel free to leave your watch and phone at home if you ever get a chance to visit.  This place doesn’t abide by schedules and is sure to provide the perfect place to recharge.

Ala Kukui

If you’re looking to meditate in the states, CNN Travel recommends Ala Kukui in Hawaii.  The name means Pathway of Illumination and the facility was actually designed for those who needed solace in the wake of the tragedies of September 11th, 2001.  The retreat is set against the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean and surrounded by fruit trees.

Check out CNN’s full list of the best places to meditate.

What Does a Spiritual Awakening Look and Feel Like?

The Huffington Post Religion blog recently tried to answer that question by anonymously asking their readers to tell brief stories about their own spiritual experiences using the app Whisper. If you frequent with this blog, you know that we like to talk about spirituality in broad terms. Spirituality means something different for everyone but at […]

from Psychic Readings by Ronn

Experience vs. Material: How to Get the Most Happiness for You Money

Humans are creatures constantly plagued by internal conflict. We often do things we know are bad for us or repeat unhealthy behaviors even though we know the results. According to a recent study covered by the Scientific American’s Podcast, how we choose to spend our money is one of the major places that internal conflict […]

from Psychic Readings by Ronn

Mitigating the Tolls of Stress on Your Body: Part II

In the last installment, we talked about a recent Fox News Health article that covered a study that showed aging and decline in cell health can be accelerated by stress but that these detrimental effects can be slowed and managed by maintaining a healthy lifestyle even during stressful times in life. While it’s all well […]

from Psychic Readings by Ronn

Mitigating the Tolls of Stress on Your Body

Between work, family, and relationships, it can be easy to let stress get the best of you. Many people turn to faith or their spiritual guide to help them through difficult times, but it’s important to remember the steps you can take on your own to make sure the stress you’re feeling at work or […]

from Psychic Readings by Ronn